
Anthology by Pok.

Anthology is a collection of early songs by Pok that have had a new lease of life by being recorded properly in the Wud Records studios. Many of them date back to the early and mid-1980s, when we did not possess the skills nor the equipment to fully do justice to these amazing creations. We hope eventually there will be a set of three volumes of Anthology CDs full of Pok’s many great early works.

Some of these songs and instrumentals were performed in Achilles Heel, Fooog Dinboffin and the Release, Now, Laughing Sun and Alchemeon, among others. Others were never performed as part of the set of any of these groups.

At present there are many other Anthology tracks in varying stages of finalisation within the machines of our studios. More tracks will be added as and when they become finished. Updates to this album will be announced in our News service and on Twitter.

There is a lot of material by Pok and his numerous bands spanning several decades available across the internet. This of course includes the mighty Spacegoats who have earned international stardom for their fabulous performances live and on television. We would encourage anybody who comes here to investigate for themselves, starting with our Links page.