
Wud Records: more photos uploaded

Posted by Wudmaster on 11/02/09

We’ve been slaving away like there’s no tomorrow in the curiously-scented steam fizzing from the cracks around the edges of the universe. The results of our labours are the various photos that have been added to assorted galleries at Wud Records, some changes to the forums and some further fiddlings at the Explicit Music site.

As we are still ‘undergoing development’ here, and are not as such a ‘public site’ yet, the Wud Records team would like to say “hi!” to our recent visitors from Canada, Germany, USA and Taiwan – you know who you are! We would also like to say “h!”‘ to whoever has been downloading Pete’s art – we hope you like it! And “hi!” as well to all the other visitors who have been coming here. You are all most welcome to say “hello” back to us, in the forums. :o)

Dr Watson: Opatov Sessions

Posted by Wudmaster on 09/02/09

At Wud Records we are attempting – among other things – to upload at least a little of the music by each of our bands. It’s quite a big job, so please bear with us. The most recent additions to the site are the complete recordings of Dr Watson at the Hotel Opatov in Prague. These have now had the treatment and are available for your aural inspection.

Ug Brothers: original 1986 set uploaded

Posted by Wudmaster on 08/02/09

The only surviving recordings of the original manifestation of The Ug Brothers have been painstakingly mined from the Great Rockery of Yesterday and lovingly polished and uploaded. The only song common to both Ug Brothers sets of 1986 and 1994-5 was Drowning In Your Eyes, and it is interesting to compare the two. It can be found among the Ugstrumentals.

The Subterraineans: demo uploaded

Posted by Wudmaster on 08/02/09

Deep in the depths of the Wud Records vault, we found the Subterraineans Demo. It was mastered on the B-side of a Wud Demo. Unfortunately it was in rather shoddy condition as the years have not been kind to the cassette. With a few digital tweaks we managed to salvage it and have posted it here for you to enjoy.

It sure is strange to hear a man who has been dead for over sixteen years singing again. One of the lines in Short and Sweet is “Give me life!”. This is perhaps the best we can do for dear old Dean. R.I.P.

The Subterraineans and Rough Terrain: Laney’s biography

Posted by Wudmaster on 31/01/09

Laney has written some of her memories of The Subterraineans and Rough Terrain, and these hilarious thoughts have been posted to their proper pages. We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we did! A big thanks to Laney for her efforts. X

Dark Company: songs and artwork up

Posted by Wudmaster on 28/01/09

As well as more artwork from the insane mind’s eye of Pete, some new Dark Company songs from the Bad Habits album have been uploaded. Whiskey Priest has been up for a while now, and today we have added the latest mixes of Night Man and Knowing, We Are. KWA may well be subject to a remix, this was largely an experiment to see whether the reverbs would cause the RAM to dribble and splutter over everything. As it happens, it didn’t. Hooray!