November 2019 Musical Discoveries

November 2019 Musical Discoveries

This November 2019 Musical Discoveries playlist is a compilation of the favourite musical discoveries of the Wud Records team from everything they heard at SoundCloud during November 2019.

Tracks have been arranged according to the number of plays at the time of publishing, starting with the fewest. Tracks that are earlier in playlists tend to receive more plays than later tracks, and we feel that the ones with fewer plays need the best chance of exposure. You can see for yourself the number of plays each track has had whilst you are listening.

We hope that more people will find and listen to the wonderful songs on this playlist of November 2019 Musical Discoveries. Each track has something that we felt was special or interesting in some way. Because we enjoyed them so much, we feel that it would be great if the artists in question could have a bit more exposure for their fabulous works. So please listen, enjoy, share and check out some of these wonderful bands. In many cases it was a tough job to choose just one track from an artist.

The November 2019 Musical Discoveries playlist is very eclectic, so there is probably something on there to suit every taste. If the track you are listening to isn’t quite doing it for you, skip to the next one and perhaps that will please your ears more. Sometimes similar tracks end up next to each other, and sometimes extremely different tracks do, so we recommend you just try it for yourself.

If you find some new favourites on there, why not shout about them on social media? We are sure the people responsible for creating the music will welcome a word-of-mouth recommendation and some free bonus exposure.

If you as an artist happen to be included on this November 2019 Musical Discoveries playlist, please share, give us a shoutout, listen to as many other tracks as you can, and enjoy. :)

See also:

Release date: 1st December 2019

— 65 Featured Artists and Tracks —

Hidden CurrentsOnly Star In The Sky
MoonfleetBiblical, Epical
Martha CarnageFeels Like All The World
Last Relic StudioEmpire
Peter AllanThe Chuckling Man
GRICEComfort Zone
We Step Into An AvalancheIn This Maze
Forest RobotsA Path Among The Woods
Fabrizio De RodríguezLike Butterflies
I Am WirelessAfternoon Tea
Fat Old BumEffebi 666
David HacohenAcidi
The Sub-GentsBusiness and Pleasure (Live Open Air Theatre Scarborough 2019)
Frank Q (ft. John Stewart)Sins Of The Father
The Motion3 a.m.
The Eye See ProjectionFear Familiar
Kerry JKGame Of Games
Bob Hewitt MusicFocus, Right?
Red Tape ResistanceWhere Do We Run?
Felix NormanShot At Dawn
Ricky LakeMommys Dirge
Against All Ruin StudiosGod’s Son pt. V (Vindikatur)
Rosie AshBlack + Blue
Del Square (ft. Invisible Movement)Backslide
TrilocTriloc Island
Robot Dogs From The SunCounterfeit
Daveit FerrisVital Sign
Vintage TroublePelvis Pusher
Chris PendergraftBarfight (Iraq)
OverheadKing Of The World
Fly Cat FlyLast Night I Killed
Le CanalLet Me In
Kaiser and the Machines of CreationFlowers And Lies
Jartse TuominenYeah Right
Adam AtkinsWhat’s New?
Toot-Le-MondyI Don’t Understand You
Paper CraftNitrous Oxide
Certain AnimalsStrawberry Sunset
Stringburner (ft. Daniele Turani)Bleeding Machine
Dirk ScarlettThe Gates Of Heaven
Manic ElijahAnd Sang Along
Bill’s Music BoxA Moment In Time
Katie KittermasterT Shirt
OPE, guitaristA Rainy Day
Lost & FadedInstant Regret
The Broken HighSlowburner
The SixstersI’m Voting
Jaakko KettunenRings Of Saturn
Simple IllusionJust Guitar Loves
NastiGiAlone In My Mind
Death of the MaidenWaiting for You
CalaminusMooving … (Back from an Inspiring Journey)
Baking Jazz PowerDouce Ambiance
The ClayAlcohol And Water
AlienBlazeBeautiful Nightmare
The IdeasBlack Cocktail Dress
Janine LevinsonTemporary
Swimming With BearsWithout A Plan
Dirk Wore White SoxAnts Invasion / Killer In The Home
Andrew BorderickThe Wish
The Tomas Doncker BandBrooklyn 2 Ethiopia
Jonathan Beckenstein (ft. Tante Meli + Faerytale)Behind Me
Brett BasilHard To Believe