The Bastard Sons of Dennis: She’s as Beautiful as a Foot

A new song from The Bastard Sons of Dennis has been completed and uploaded to their pages here and our shop at Bandcamp for you to download. This new song is called She’s as Beautiful as a Foot and has been added to the Cosy Lube Turtle collection as well as the Wud Records default music player.

She’s as Beautiful as a Foot is a cover of a song by Blue Oyster Cult from their eponymous 1972 album and is one that The Bastard Sons of Dennis rarely perform live due to the need for Mr Nejsan to retune his guitar to DADGAD, which is made more tricky by the tiny pieces of tin foil that reduce the worst of the effects of the fret buzz. All of the songs on the Cosy Lube Turtle album are Blue Oyster Cult covers.

If you would like to listen to She’s as Beautiful as a Foot at Bandcamp, where you can name your own price for a download, please click here. If you would like to listen to it at their Cosy Lube Turtle page here at Wud Records, please click here.