Dark Company: Alien Heat album information rewritten at Explicit Music

The Alien Heat album by Dark Company has had all of its song information rewritten at Explicit Music. Many new fun facts regarding each song have been added. All the correct authorship and performance details have been credited on each song. Other information such as dates, publishers and so on has also been completed for all 16 songs, both at Explicit Music and on SoundCloud. It took a few days and involved a fair amount of research, but we believe the results are worth it.

The official lyrics for each song have also been checked, and after proofreading we are fairly sure that everything is as it should be. We even think that all the links from the Alien Heat album page here at Wud Records open the correct pages at Explicit Music in smaller Lightbox windows, to allow listeners to listen and read at the same time. Each song at Explicit Music has a link to the correct track at SoundCloud so that internet users who land at the Explicit Music website can hear these fabulous songs from Dark Company. All in all, a glorious triumph for diligence and a keen eye for detail.

We are very hopeful that the last recordings which need to be made for the songs on the forthcoming Alien Heat album will be completed before the end of this year. It will still need to be fully mixed and mastered with a full artwork package of course, but at least having all the information, backstories and lyrics in place is a step towards its finalisation. News of any further such developments will be published in our News service and on Twitter.

If you would like to read all of the song lyrics and other track information such as the Fun Facts sections for the Alien Heat album by Dark Company over at Explicit Music, please click here.

If you would like to listen to the Alien Heat album here at Wud Records whilst reading the lyrics and song information at Explicit Music at the same time, please click here.

If you prefer to listen over at SoundCloud, please click here instead.