Wud Records: November 2016 musical discoveries

A brand new playlist of all the favourite musical discoveries of the Wud Records team has been published at SoundCloud. None of the bands on it are associated with ourselves in any way. There are not even any of our bands’ songs included in this one. We simply accumulated the songs that we all liked during November into one playlist and published it at the end of the month.

Tracks have been arranged according to the number of plays at the time of publishing, starting with the fewest. Tracks that are early in playlists tend to receive more plays than later tracks, and we feel that the ones with fewer plays need the best chance of exposure. If you are one of the bands from which we recently liked, shared or tweeted a track at SoundCloud, there is a chance that one of your tracks might be on this new playlist.

Are you a member of SoundCloud? We always follow back if you have your own tracks and we always listen eventually, even if it takes a few weeks. So if you would like the opportunity of a bit of free publicity you could follow Wud Records over there.

We hope that some more people will find and listen to these wonderful songs. Each one has something that we felt was special or interesting in some way. Because we enjoyed them so much, we feel that it would be great if the artists in question could have a bit more exposure for their fabulous works. So please listen, enjoy, share and check out some of these wonderful bands. The playlist is very eclectic, so there is probably something on there to suit every taste.

If you have a favourite or two on there, why not shout about them on social media? We are sure the artistes responsible for creating the music will welcome such word-of-mouth exposure.

If you would like to listen to this special new playlist of November 2016 Musical Discoveries over at SoundCloud, please click here.