Dark Company: Beasts and Angels and Slave of Days

It’s time. It’s exciting!

Over the coming days and weeks we shall be uploading some new material for you all to enjoy, and today we are beginning the uploads of the sonic upgrades for Dark Company‘s Mind Dance album.

The first two tracks of Mind Dance have been uploaded and although still only at alpha stage, i.e. in need of a lot of work in terms of recording and production and mastering, you can at least hear how these songs are developing.

Originally the demos of these songs had the wonderful singing of Sammi on them which contrasted so beautifully with Pete’s vocal style. You can hear these demos of Mind Dance by clicking here, which takes you to the Dark Company Demos page.

The first track on Mind Dance is Beasts and Angels, which opens the album, and it is not a particularly serious song. It starts somewhat strange and then funky and then turns heavier and eventually mutates into utter filth before mellowing to a more soulful feel at the end.

The second track on the Mind Dance album is Slave of Days, which again is more tongue-in-cheek than it seems at first and has a loud punky grungy feel.

If you would like to hear the new alpha mixes of Dark Company’s Mind Dance album, you can do so by clicking here.