The Bastard Sons of Dennis: Cherry Smoke Empire album

The Cherry Smoke Empire album by The Bastard Sons of Dennis has been added to our collection of albums at SoundCloud. The album itself was finished and released in 2017 on Bandcamp. It has taken until now for it to be fully uploaded to SoundCloud as well.

All of the lyrics and song information for each track have been given an upgrade. We believe this will make the music easier to find in various searches, as well as providing fans with more accurate information. We shall be working with our publishing partners Expicit Music to make sure all of the details are correctly added at their website too.

The nine part epic, The Furniture/Los Muebles runs throughout the whole Cherry Smoke Empire album, with other original tracks appearing between all of the different parts. Should you wish to hear or download The Furniture/Los Muebles in its entirety, without any breaks for other songs, you can enjoy it by clicking here.

In other news regarding The Bastard Sons of Dennis, we plan to finish more tracks for the Cosy Lube Turtle album in the coming weeks. Fans of The Bastard Sons of Dennis will know that Cosy Lube Turtle is an album of Blue Oyster Cult covers. The Bastard Sons of Dennis were critically acclaimed as being “arguably among the finest acoustic Blue Oyster Cult cover duos in the EX4 area (excluding Pinhoe)”, “always failing to disappoint” and “not bad”, to quote just three sources.

There is also an EP of new original songs waiting to be developed, which we also hope will take place in the not so distant future. We shall be keeping all fans of The Bastard Sons of Dennis updated in our News service and on Twitter.

The Cherry Smoke Empire album has already been well recieved on the SoundCloud platform. If you would like to listen to it on that website, you can do so by clicking here.

If you prefer to listen right here on the Wud Records website, please click here instead.

Should you wish to listen to, or download Cherry Smoke Empire from Bandcamp, you can do so by clicking here.