Happy New Ear 2025!

Happy New Ear 2025! \,,/(^_^)\,,/

It is with great pleasure that we wish everybody a very Happy New Year in 2025! Let’s hope it’s a memorable one for all the right reasons.

The whole team would like to say a massive thank you to everybody who supported us in 2024. Without you, we couldn’t do this. We are very grateful and humbled by the support we have had from every corner of the earth. You lovely people continue to amaze us and make us smile.

In 2024 it would seem that we were heard the most in Los Angeles, London and Chicago. A very big Wud Records Happy New Ear 2025 to our listeners!

Despite great hopes and endeavor, we only managed four new releases in the whole of 2024. Those were Nádraží! by Flicker, and three songs by PokThe Sidewalk Song, Wear a Feather in Your Hat and Don’t Let It Pass You By. All four did well for us and many other songs were worked on by our team of amazing people. Perhaps we can release more than four in 2025? Hopefully.

Several more songs by our various artists are close to being released, and a whole album is waiting for just a little more input and tweakage. There is also the possibility of more file sharing and progress with Pok.

Also during 2024, we started to release the songs that make up Dark Company‘s A for Acronym album. We are releasing them slowly, for various reasons, and more will be forthcoming soon. They seem to have been received well on the whole, even though they are only work-in-progress versions and will not be fully released until they are complete.

Looking ahead, we are anticipating a few operational changes in the coming year, particularly with regard to streaming and social media. To stay tuned, you can join our mailing list by clicking here. Remember also to bookmark our News page and follow us on BlueSky, which seems to be where things are going right now.

Life tends to take all manner of twists and turns and events that have taken place recently have reduced our opportunities to make music. Time has become more and more scarce. In fact, the machines in the studios have remained mostly silent since the end of November, due to the lack of time. We hope some more time will be found from somewhere soon, but as there are only 168 hours in a week, that remains a conundrum.

Apart from wishing for a little more time for making music, what we would love to see in 2025 would be a lessening of the hate and polarisation that seems to be growing around the globe. As teenagers we had great hopes for the future, hopes that when the older generation shuffled along, the new blood would create levels of understanding, tolerance and comradeship not seen before on a global scale and the Age of Aquarius would begin.

That has not happened. While we can look back with joy upon events such as the fall of the Berlin Wall, those spring flowers of hope we once had have largely crumbled to dust, in a very similar way to that awful cold war monument itself. Everyone seems to be becoming more and more aggressive, more offended, more entrenched in their separatist views, and the whole world, politically at least, seems to be lurching sharply to the right. Did humanity learn nothing from the two world wars in the last century? Apparently not.

Let’s pray to the gods of rock n roll for an end to wars, more tolerance and understanding, the eradication of hunger and poverty, cures for diseases that affect so many in the poorest nations of the earth, better distribution of wealth and the rolling out of universal basic income for all, a reduction of misery and suffering for everyone, and a global humanity where we are all brothers and sisters together. Humanity has the power to do this – and chooses not to.

Perhaps you have seen a photo of the Earth taken from space? We only have one world and one species and being kind to each other would be a pleasant change.

What are you planning to achieve in 2025? Let us know on your socials. Whatever it may be, we wish you success beyond your wildest dreams and a very Happy New Ear 2025!

Clearly a woman of impeccable taste. Happy New Ear 2025!

Clearly a woman of impeccable taste.