The Chillun: photo gallery updated

The Chillun photo gallery has been updated. Already! That was quick.

Rosie Mullin of Critical Error (among others) recently sent us some photos of The Chillun. We knew she had done this. So after hunting high and low, upstairs, downstairs, in m’lady’s chamber, on hard drives and external drives, unlikely computers, memory sticks, mobile phones and so on, we remained… confounded.

Chins and ears were scratched. Beards were twiddled and hair was twisted into tight, painful bunches. We took turns to brew tea, which was duly quaffed. It didn’t help.

Eventually Rosie kindly reminded us that she sent the images to the Wud Records Twitter account. Hooray! Eureka!

The collection of Chillun photos Rosie took in 1985 have now been added to The Chillun Gallery.

What is particularly interesting about these photos is that they feature Gnasher on bass rather than Nick Banwell. Nick must have left The Chillun by then.

Gnasher and Angus had previously played together in Incubus. You can read the fascinating backstory to The Chillun and Incubus by clicking here.

We believe that there are a lot more photos of The Chillun out there in the world. The Chillun performed frequently for a few years and were highly photogenic and visual, as well as being creators and performers of many classic timeless original songs.

With luck some more fans of The Chillun will share their goodies with us so the rest of the world can enjoy this fantastic band. If anything should occur, we will let fans of The Chillun know in our News service and on Twiter.

If you would like to see the new photos from Rosie, as well as the ones from Cliff that we already published in The Chillun photo gallery, please click here. You can enjoy listening to some of the fabulous songs of The Chillun at the same time.