Wud Records: all the latest news
First up we would like to say thanks to all the people who supported the Rage Against the Machine campaign here in the UK as it was a great day for real music. Long live the revolution! :-D
The Bastard Sons of Dennis played a successful albeit curtailed show at the Black Horse on the 17th, cranking out the new ‘audience participation’ version of Dominance and Submission and their Christmas song, Redeemed (Sir Rastas Bear). They have not played since due to it being silly season. They hope to start performing again early in the New Year.
If you would like to see the Bastard Sons of Dennis playing at the Black Horse on the 17th December, there are a couple of videos posted on youtube. Thanks to Tom for the uploads. You can find links to them on our ‘links’ page.
Dark Company have been fairly quiet for the last couple of weeks or so. Pete had a nasty accident on the 20th December involving some slippery ice, a flight of concrete stairs and a car battery. He was lucky enough to escape his incident with concussion, cuts and bruises. He is now on the mend and we shall bring you more news on his condition soon.
We hope to be able to upload some finished works from Flicker before much more time has gone by. As George has been so busy with Dark Company due to Pete’s health issues he has had very little time to do anything with Flicker. However, Sauce from HappySad is nearly finished and we believe that as Pete’s contributions to recording Dark Company are almost done the rest of HappySad will follow shortly.
With Clonk! and Alchemeon now being largely dormant we don’t anticipate there being a lot of change on those fronts. However, we will continue to explore the vast Wud Records archives and try to upload some more gems for you to enjoy over the coming year.
The redesign of the whole Wud Records site will be applied soon. We are very aware of the fact that parts of the site are not working terribly well at the moment and the new design will fix all of these issues.
Finally we hope all of our visitors had a very Happy Solstice and Christmas, and we hope you all have a fantastic New Year! :)
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