Wud Records: August 2020 top ten tracks published at SoundCloud
The top ten SoundCloud tracks for August 2020 from Wud Records have been published in a new playlist. Tracks have been arranged from one to ten according to their popularity and take into account plays, comments, likes and reposts.
The algorithm we use gives greatest weight to reposts, then likes and comments over plays. This is because when somebody reposts a track it gives it the opportunity to be heard by a potential new fan, which is always a tremendous help to creative souls.
Tracks published at Musicoin and Bandcamp have been omitted from the SoundCloud statistics. This is because we feel these results require separate treatment. Archive tracks and bonus tracks are also ignored.
Having said all of that, we are very dissatisfied with the service we recieve from SoundCloud. We have found an alternative service provider and are looking to start migrating all of our music to there in the near future. It’s going to be a massive job and one which we are not looking forward to doing very much.
Massive thanks go out to everybody who helped to support all of us during August 2020 by listening, commenting and reposting our bands’ tracks on SoundCloud, as well as other platforms.
A special mention needs to go to Atom Collector Records. Their service continues to help us achieve consistently and significantly better activity and new fans. If you have tracks on SoundCloud, Bandcamp, YouTube, Musicoin, Spotify, ReverbNation, dSound, dTube or Peertracks, you too could see considerable growth in activity. It’s even free to join. Just click here to go to their site.
We would also like to say a special thank you to all the splendid people on Twitter who have been enjoying and reposting our tracks to their followers. All the support and positive feedback has been incredibly heartwarming for us all. It makes all our endeavours here seem worthwhile.
Congratulations to Alchemeon, whose psychedelic rock / progressive rock epic Born of Stars smashed the charts in August 2020. It was by far and away the most popular track on SoundCloud for the month. With Alchemeon‘s Spring collection being repaired and remastered at this very moment, this bodes well for its forthcoming re-release.
Flicker achieved the most tracks on the August 2020 chart. All four of them come from Flicker’s wonderful 2002 album At Least 1000 Words.
Their second album, HappySad, is under construction and you can listen to it as it stands right now by clicking here. Several more tracks are likely to be released in the coming weeks and months, so please keep an eye and an ear on our News service and Twitter.
Born of Stars was not the only psychedelic progressive rock epic to feature in this month’s chart. The beautiful Amanita Alice by Dark Company, a massive collective favourite of the Wud Records team, entered the chart for the first time at number three. Dark Company also had songs at number four (the eccentric One Heart with its incredible lyrics) and number six – the perennial favourite Medicines from their fabulous second album, Rage in Heaven.
The Ug Brothers were the only other act to make it into our latest chart, with two live lofi cassette salvage recordings. The Ugstrumental version of Paperchase from 1995 with its wonderful guitar, and Same Old Road Again from a session in 1986 were their two most popular tracks in August 2020, in what was another very good month for The Ug Brothers.
If you prefer to listen here at Wud Records, you will find that it is the new default music player. You will find it on all non band-specific pages at the site, such as our Links collection or homepage.
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