Wud Records: recommended albums

It’s time once more to change the Wud Records recommended albums at Bandcamp. There are so many great albums there and we have a lot of friends with their goodies for sale at that site so we have to rotate every so often.

Here are the links to the old recommended albums. Just click on the text for each and they will open in a new window:
The Coffin Collectors: Leopardskin Tales
Owl Parliament: Rip Through Her Sky
Bright Lights, Big Zombie: Bright Lights, Big Zombie

Here are our new recommended Bandcamp albums. Again, just click on the text for each and they will open in a new window:
Grice: Propeller
Karl Zumar: My Guitar
Xidus Pain: Know Pain, Know Gain

Karl Zumar has a new website all of his own as well and you can visit it by clicking here.
We have also added a link to it in our ‘Links’ section.

If you have recorded works at Bandcamp and would like to share recommendations, by all means contact us by email to info@wudrecords.co.uk and we will add you to our rotation list.

If you would like to hear our songs that are avaialble for name-your-own-price (including free!) download at Bandcamp, you can do so by clicking here.