Wud Records: Musical Discoveries compilations update

As you may already know, here at Wud Records we make monthly playlists of Musical Discoveries compilations. These Musical Discoveries compilations consist of the most fantastic music we discover at SoundCloud during the month. Each artist has one track per playlist. If you would like the opportunity to be discovered by our team, we follow back on SoundCloud and listen to everyone we follow on a first-in-first-out basis.

A few months ago we started adding a list of the tracks and artists to each page, with links to the artist’s website or another place where the listener could hear, see and discover more about the artist in question. We only used the SoundCloud link if no other website was forthcoming.

We are very pleased to say that all of these links have now been added to all of the Musical Discoveries playlists, going right back to the first one in August 2016. Hooray!

If you happen to be an artist on one of these Musical Discoveries compilations and we have linked to a website of yours but you would like us to use a different link, please let us know by emailing info@wudrecords.co.uk so we can fix it for you. We have genuinely tried our best to provide good links, and where an artist has appeared in more than one playlist, differing links to allow the clicker the opportunity to visit a range of sites. When an artist has their own website we have tended to gravite towards linking to that one by default.

To celebrate two years of these Musical DIscoveries playlists and all the amazing independent music contained within them, we started doing an extra daily shoutout on Twitter. We now have a featured weekly Discoveries playlist and a featured track from that playlist. Featured tracks are a bit special as they are a favourite from a given month and you will probably want to hear them! We will continue to change the featured track and update the playlist on a weekly basis.

There is a new page for the Featured Tracks and you can reach it by clicking here. You might want to add the link to your bookmarks as well.

As we are all very busy we don’t plan to announce in our News service when we have chosen another track, it will simply appear in the playlist, at the top.

You can follow us on Twitter by clicking here and then you will see the new featured track being called.

Here’s a game you can play – listen to the Musical Discoveries collection coming next and try to guess which will be the featured track! No prizes other than kudos.

If you would like easy access to all of our previous Musical Discoveries compilations, please click here.