Featured Tracks

To celebrate two years of Musical Discoveries compilations, we are now featuring a weekly playlist and featured tracks from that playlist on Twitter every day.

Featured tracks will appear in the playlist you can see right here on this page. The latest featured track will appear at the top.

If you would like the opportunity for some free publicity, more fans, more recognition, more potential sales and streams, and to become known to the ever-growing community of the DIY independent music revolution, we follow back on SoundCloud and listen to everyone we follow on a first-in-first-out basis.

Wud Records is a strong supporter of the DIY musician and a part of the ever growing community that is the indie music revolution. We aim to take back control from the corporate dinosaurs who brainwash populations with bland censored muzak written by committee in boardrooms, rather than real musicians in bedrooms.

We hope to help remind people that music has value and worth and that the musicians creating it need to be paid, so they can pay the rent and electricity bill and buy bread to keep doing what they do. Long live the revolution!

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/WudRecords
Follow us on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/wud-records