January 2022 Musical Discoveries

January 2022 Musical Discoveries

This January 2022 Musical Discoveries playlist is a compilation of the favourite musical discoveries of the Wud Records team from everything they heard at SoundCloud during January 2022.

Tracks have been arranged according to the number of plays at the time of publishing, starting with the fewest. Tracks that are earlier in playlists tend to receive more plays than later tracks, and we feel that the ones with fewer plays need the best chance of exposure. You can see for yourself the number of plays each track has had whilst you are listening.

We hope that more people will find and listen to the wonderful songs on this playlist of January 2022 Musical Discoveries. Each track has something that we felt was special or interesting in some way. Because we enjoyed them so much, we feel that it would be great if the artists in question could have a bit more exposure for their fabulous works. So please listen, enjoy, share and check out some of these wonderful bands. In many cases it was a tough job to choose just one track from an artist.

The January 2022 Musical Discoveries playlist is very eclectic, so there is probably something on there to suit every taste. If the track you are listening to isn’t quite doing it for you, skip to the next one and perhaps that will please your ears more. Sometimes similar tracks end up next to each other, and sometimes extremely different tracks do, so we recommend you just try it for yourself.

If you find some new favourites on there, why not shout about them on social media? We are sure the people responsible for creating the music will welcome a word-of-mouth recommendation and some free bonus exposure.

If you as an artist happen to be included on this January 2022 Musical Discoveries playlist, please share, give us a shoutout, listen to as many other tracks as you can, and enjoy. :)

See also:

Release date: 1st February 2022

— 30 Featured Artists and Tracks —

Ulysses Owens Jr. Big BandTwo Bass Hit
HusbandAll I Wanted
MantraRayThe Architect
Idol SpiritsThere’s a Coup Going On
Bish BashMust Be Joking
The Eve BandEdging
Far From Your SunThe 8-Fold Path
Circle The WolvesDead Inside
The Stress ConesAgentic Maniac Discomix
Hoopy FroodLet’s Help One Another
Simon ShineIl l’attend
Fragnum OpusSPL Hades
Jacqui Taylor and Steve GresswellThe Calling
WaiflikeWhy Is the Bed So Wet
Mark CheetahWorld Destruction
The Cobbled MothWise Ones
GerontiusThyme Bombes
The DalmationsAin’t No Boy
Asha McCarthyBirth
Olly JosephButterflies
Phil BowenThe Grass Doesn’t Grow Here Anymore
Elle RossCome Back to Me
Brian MeltTimestar
Lumi HarrisonMore Than A Body
Yana Smutina (with Andreas Kloppenburg)Somebody Help Me
CRYMy Plastic Clowns
Val AkeyThe Changed Present
sINGLE hANDEDe.x.t.r.e.m.e. Fun (arenbi)
Brad Rau MusicDanza In E Minor (Jorge Morel)