
Explicit Music: many uploads

Posted by Wudmaster on 11/03/09

A whole load of lyrics have been added to the Explicit Music site recently, along with a small amount of new song information.

Wud Records and Explicit Music: various uploads

Posted by Wudmaster on 02/03/09

Here at Wud Records we have discovered that the recently uploaded Search Party files and the less recently uploaded Mark Drower and the Everyones files do not reach the standard required for them to remain permanently at the Wud Records website. New versions of these are now in the queue to be processed again. So drat, more work. :-/

On a more positive note, the Addled Eggs files passed their quality control test today so can stay, despite perhaps lacking a certain quality in other departments. There’s a great quote from Senga at the end of Waiting, something about a knee-related discovery…

More new things have been posted to the Explicit Music site, including lyrics for Alchemeon, Wud, Mark Drower and the Everyones and song information for Wud, Flicker and Mark Drower and the Everyones.

Despite the fact that the two sites are still in the process of being built and as such are not known to most of the universe yet, we’ve had visitors from Sweden, The Philippines and Canada as well as the usual hits from the UK. Hello to you all!

Wud Records and Explicit Music: more uploads

Posted by Wudmaster on 01/03/09

Many things have been uploaded, edited, changed, improved and generally fiddled with at the Wud Records and Explicit Music websites. Sadly though, our bricks were the wrong colour, so the shop fell down when we built it. Hopefully the next delivery of bricks will have the correct smell. :)

Alchemeon: out-takes and good takes

Posted by Wudmaster on 25/02/09

A couple of new out-takes have been added to the Alchemeon page. The song It’s A Blue Sky Don’t Hold No Rain seems to attract blorts like moths to a flame. There may well be changes to the Alchemeon page over the next day or two as new files are being assessed.

Wud Records: new design!

Posted by Wudmaster on 24/02/09

The new improved design for the Wud Records website has been uploaded! Hooray! We celebrated this monumental achievement for humanity with some still mineral water and a carrot. Rocktastic.

The Wud Records shop is also being built. Hopefully we have enough bricks with a large ‘W’ embossed on them, otherwise it will probably fall down, causing grievous harm to any mice owned by the Cutler family.

If that were not enough, the Explicit Music site has also undergone a few changes.

Recently a great many recordings from the Wud Records archives have been squeezed into the magical silicone orgasmatron to be treated with respect and love and sent to their proper places here. At this very moment the Indeed collection by Laughing Sun is being input, so come back often to see what is new. :)

Dark Company: Road Tripped up, and down again

Posted by Wudmaster on 18/02/09

Another new song from Dark Company’s forthcoming Bad Habits album was uploaded, the song being called Road Tripped. After a careful listen we decided we didn’t like the mix all that much and took it away for further fiddlage. It may be back soon. If you heard it in this state, please pretend that you didn’t.