Dark Company: the last four Alien Heat songs upgraded
The last four Alien Heat songs by Dark Company have been upgraded and uploaded to Dark Company‘s Alien Heat album. All sixteen songs are now considered beta status.
We have been finishing off as much as we can of the Alien Heat album. We have high hopes of finally repairing equipment this month and recording the guitars and basses. Then we will finally be able to master and release the songs soon after. That is the plan, at least!
As a general rule, we’ve been mixing the Alien Heat album with the guitar mostly panned towards the left and the keyboards mostly panned towards the right, just as if the listener were looking at the band on stage.
There are tons of tiny details in every track and we are doing what we can to make sure nothing goes missing or is buried. We plan to release alternative and stripped back mixes, including & co versions, of all the songs for fans to enjoy once everything is done.
The Alien Heat album has received upgrades in batches of four songs at a time. The final four songs to receive their upgrade are Alpha Omega, Wonderlust, Bodyfire and Mister Dream.
Alpha Omega is a crazy piece of progressive rock and bossa nova which we absolutely love. Plans are afoot to add a brass section. Other than the guitars and basses needing to be properly recorded we are largely pleased with how this is going. Sven’s drumming along with the programmed drums makes for a fabulously rich and compelling rhythm track and Pete’s languid vocal delivery is an absolute delight.
Wonderlust lies somewhere between post punk and hair metal and again mostly needs guitars and a better mix of the drums. Sven’s drumming and Josh’s approximations of Zaphod’s original keyboard parts are completely fabulous.
Pete’s lyrics and vocal have inspired Dark Company to consider making a more mournful, slower jazz version of Wonderlust. Having been privy to a private live performance, it’s a very exciting and interesting idea that is certainly not beyond the realms of possibility.
Bodyfire has recently had the addition of Richard Davies on tenor saxophone and we love what he did. We are still trying to find a trumpeter willing to blow the lines currently sounded by the Akai S900’s trumpet samples. Again it’s mostly guitars and bass needed here, including a 12-string acoustic that we hope to get done soon. We believe Bodyfire will make an excellent single and plan to release it as such.
Mister Dream is a song with a fascinating backstory as well as being uptempo and amazing. The aforementioned Akai S900 plays an important role in the overall sound, which is enormous. There are over 120 tracks to blend together in the DAW, so it is quite a task.
There exists a bootleg recording of Jeff creating some of Mister Dream‘s sequencer parts and George improvising a searing widdlesome shred on Nicodemus, which we absolutely plan to dig out and add as a bonus track. The musical skills at play in the recording are completely breathtaking.
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