- Original Artwork by Peter Greatorex – Gallery 8
- Original Artwork by Peter Greatorex – Gallery 7
- Original Artwork by Peter Greatorex – Gallery 6
- Original Artwork by Peter Greatorex – Gallery 5
- Original Artwork by Peter Greatorex – Gallery 4
- Original Artwork by Peter Greatorex – Gallery 3
- Original Artwork by Peter Greatorex – Gallery 2
- Original Artwork by Peter Greatorex – Gallery 1
Original Artwork by Peter Greatorex – Gallery 6
All of the original artwork in these gallery pages was created by Dark Company’s poet, lyricist and vocalist Peter Greatorex.
Gallery 6 – July 2011 to June 2012.
- And He Spake in Many Tongues
- Crystal Skull [origin]
- Crystal Skull
- Bertie Bassett
- Dali Bassett
- Potter’s Wheel
- Germinating Worlds
- Marklar! (South Park)
- Spider Bubbles
- Sunshine Blue
- Temple Floor
- The Orange Grove
- Vril
- Watusi Prayer Rug
- What’s at the Bottom of Your Bowl? (1)
- What’s at the Bottom of Your Bowl? (2)
- What’s at the Bottom of Your Bowl? (3)
- Well, There’s Butterflies Round It
- Jungle Cats
- Might Be a Crossword Puzzle
- Shingle 1
- Shingle 2
- Viewfinder
- 78 RPM
- Alien Sex Doll
- Artefact
- Ascot
- Breaking World
- Breaking World 1
- Hollow Seed
- I Tell You, It Was a UFO!
- It Was Sort of This Shape
- Koh-I-Nor
- Lighthorn
- Manson
- Manta Ray
- Chrysalis
- Concordski
- Crown of Thorns
- Deep Sea 2
- Dizzie
- Double Helix
- My Cup Runneth Over
- Nail from the Cross
- Origami
- Praying Hands Like Fleshy Glands
- Peacock Prayers
- Pices
- Pod UFO 2
- Pod UFO 3
- Samson
- Sparrow Hawk
- The Grinning Goat
- The Haunting
- The Lobster and the Quail
- The Present
- They Spun This Way and That
- Through the Mobius
- Mobiused!
- Vimana
- Water Beatle
- Can of Worms
- Worms 1
- Worms 2
- Jellyworm 1
- Jellyworm 2
- Jellyworm 3
- Can of Worms 1
- Can of Worms 4
- Worm [no word 1]
- Worm [no word 2]
- Fistworm
- Longcan Wheelworm
- Nude Wormcan [grey]
- Nude Wormcan [total]
- Poolworm Pedalo
- Spiroworm
- Wormtopus
- Temple Site Overview
- Temple Site Overview [unfinished]
- Temple Site Overview [unfinished 3]
- Temple Gongs
- Ballquarium
- Nite Rolled On
- Amazon 2
- Coleocanth
- Moon Marbles
- Maybe Worms
- Soap in Blue
- Dimension U
- Dimension Tube Crawlers
- Chrurms 1
- Chrurms 2
- Grubs
- Braindance
- Shellshock
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